Center for collective usage
«Resource Center for Grid and Cloud Technologies»
Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Portal for access to cloud infrastructure

About Cloudportal

One of the major trends in the development of modern science is the rapid growth of trends in the digitization of research in both experimental and theoretical directions. The extremely rapid growth of data in the natural sciences has led to a shift from the type of hypothesis-based research to the development of data science, which analyzes large arrays of experimental data by modern methods of artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc., and models the operation of complex systems based on analysis. . This approach requires the use of high-performance computing systems and grid infrastructure resources using cloud platforms, making it easier for users of different levels of training to access such resources. The development of cloud-based grid infrastructure, in particular the creation of specialized cloud services, will facilitate the implementation of this approach.

For Ukraine's effective participation in the European Research and Innovation Area, it is important to develop its own scientific digital infrastructure in accordance with the priority areas of science and economics. The importance of integrating Ukrainian science into the European Open Science Cloud and European Data Infrastructure was emphasized in the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 17, 2018 No. 67-p “On approval of the Concept of development of the digital economy and society of Ukraine for 2018-2020 and approval of the action plan for its implementation. "

The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is responsible for the development and implementation of activities to involve Ukrainian scientists in participating in the European Cloud Initiative and for developing the relevant national digital infrastructure.

One of the main strategic directions for the development of the European Open Science Cloud (ECSC) and the European Data Infrastructure is the creation of cloud platforms for basic and applied research by a wide range of scholars, students and civil society. To achieve this, it is important to ensure that researchers and students have access to cloud-based data analysis services, computing resources, high-performance computing tools, and grid infrastructure resources using cloud platforms. This strategy encourages the development of cloud infrastructure, on the basis of which, in the framework of the European Open Science Cloud, directories of specialized cloud services are created.

When integrating the National Open Science Cloud (NCEF) into the ECHA, the following tasks should be ensured:

- integrate existing resources in national data centers with European electronic and research infrastructures;

- Provide the necessary computing power and access to the databases of the required technological level to the users of the NVHN to provide a request from all consumers.

- Develop a catalog of cloud services, services and datasets to be provided through the National Open Science Cloud and EOSC for data retention, processing, identification and security, as well as thematic services. An example of an initial service catalog is here