The main objective of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) project ( is to help Europe become a global leader in scientific data infrastructure and guarantee the full potential of open data science.
To implement the European Open Science Cloud, the European Commission has allocated € 30 million to the EOSC-Hub project. This project should help researchers in Europe access a wide range of shared data, computing and networking resources available at national, regional and institutional levels.
The EU-funded EOSC-hub project commenced operations on January 1, 2018, bringing together a broad head of national and international service providers to create the Hub: a central contact point for European researchers and innovators to find, access, use and reuse a wide range of resources for advanced, data-driven research.
To this end, the EOSC-hub project must mobilize all of Europe's largest digital and thematic research infrastructures, bringing together over 300 data centers worldwide and 18 pan-European infrastructures, ultimately helping 1.7 million researchers and 70 million science professionals and technology.
The consortium, consisting of 100 partners from more than 50 countries, has developed the EOSC-hub concept as a system for integrating and managing the future European Open Science Cloud. The EOSC-hub project mobilizes suppliers from EGI Federation, EUDAT CDI, INDIGO-DataCloud and other major European research infrastructures to provide a comprehensive catalog of research data, services and research software.
For researchers, this will mean greater access to services that support their scientific discovery and collaboration across disciplines and countries.